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Linux Survival

Linux Survival accessed http://linuxsurvival.com/

Linux survival is software which can be downloaded at http://linuxsurvival .com. The software concentrates on teaching the Linux command line.  In total there are 5 modules which aim to teach users the Linux command line. There are many bash commands covered but the software does not teach a user to program using.

The purpose of the software is to aid new learners who may not be able to use Linux and this does work well with Linux survival accept that for an advanced Linux user this application would probably not benefit their knowledge. The application is certainly a must for new Linux and bash users. It covers a wide range of commands and has questions at the end of each module. Also the program is java based and cross platform meaning that it works on Linux and Windows.

If you are new to Linux or bash then this is recommended by Bash Reviews.

Covered topics included in the screenshots below :


Covers a wide range of commands and topics
An absolute survival guide for beginners
Cross platform

Not enough bash
Not for advanced users
More about Linux rather than Bash

Our rating:
A brilliant way of users to learn Bash scripting.  Use on Linux and on Windows. All learners start here!


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    Author: mustafa_h   Version: 1.5   Last Edited By: mustafa_h   Modified: 13 May 2010

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