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Linux for Programmers and Users by G Glass and K Ables 2006 United States of America Pearson Education

Graham Glass is a leading professor in the world of computer science. He studied and received an M.S. in computer science from the University of Texas. He is not a teacher there, covering a wide range of computer science topics, for example UNIX, C, and C++. King Ables has developed UNIX/Linux product software and systems tools, aswell as providing support and training services. He is now an independent consultant and specializes in IT services and network security. He has been a user, developer, system administrator and consultant of Unix since 1979. Glass and Ables both co-authored the book: UNIX for Programmers and users.


A rare feature of this book, is that it teaches two sides of Linux. Not only does it teach users an introduction to Bash scripting, but it is also helpful in teaching aspects of the Linux GUI to users who may not be so familiar with it. It documents the most commonly needed topics, both for new and experienced Linux users and Linux programmers. A whole chapter is also filled with useful installation information for any users who find themselves unable to install their own Linux system and are after help. It provides a food foundation of understand for the most basic and the most common Linux utilities – it provides over 100 utilities and their common options. There are over a hundred command and code examples, it also provides about 50 diagrams throughout the duration of the book. These features aid the learning curve and prove to be extremely useful for a beginner who is new to Linux and to Linux programming.

Another key feature of the book is that is has FTP-able files, so any codes used in the book is available on a website hosted by the publisher. This is a useful reference and guide for any user who is using a Linux platform – both for programmers and general users. 

Overall, this book is essential for anyone looking to build the groundwork of Linux. It is useful for those who need to install the system and learn how to use basic features and functions of the operating system, and it is also useful for those beginners wanting to solidify a basic knowledge of Bash Scripting.

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Easy to understand
Clear and conise  language
Good for beginner
Covers tutorials in Linux Operating System
FTP-able files


Doesn't include any advanced scripts
More of a general guide to Linux as opposed to Bash

Our rating:
This book is an ideal solution for users who are completely new to Linux, as it covers both the GUI and basic Bash Scripting – however it is not that good for users who already have a basic knowledge of Linux and Bash scripting, as it only covers the fundamentals.


Where to buy from:
This book can be bought from the following link:


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Author: Guest   Version: 1.4   Last Edited By: Guest   Modified: 13 May 2010

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